If you’re like me, you enjoy spending your long-awaited “free time” browsing home décor sites searching for interior design inspiration. I really enjoy scouring Pinterest, Houzz and all the other blogs but, in the end, I often feel overwhelmed and don’t really know where to start. Inevitably, after I have gathered many great ideas, I am…
A: Fearful of starting in case something “better” pops up on my Houzz feed
B: Side-tracked by kids and general life chaos so the one project I had courage to start remains unfinished, or
C: Forgetful! I can’t remember where I filed, pinned, or tucked away my inspiration and I’m not even sure I can replicate it once found.
With so much information at our fingertips, it’s easy to think that we can do it all ourselves, but what I’ve learned is that I need help to get anything D-O-N-E.
We have been in our house for 5 years now. We have the necessities…places to sit, beds to sleep in, and indestructible furnishings which have (mostly) withstood our kid’s early years. We are now in a place where we’d like to bring some design elements into rooms that currently check the “functional” box.
Thankfully, I recently discovered “Hour Style” by DesignDot. This incredible, unique service provides the perfect solution for wanna-be designers like me. After spending a couple of hours with owner Megan Wunderlich, she was able to zero in on my style sensibility and find pieces on her iPad that I may have never found on my own or would not have access to without her. She put together a digital presentation to help me see the full picture on the spot! From there, I could simply click the live links and purchase. As a huge bonus, DesignDot has “to the trade” discounts at stores like Lillian August. Unlike other designers, DesignDot passes this discount straight to you! I didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger because I felt confident in my decisions with a designer at my side.
With help from the DesignDot team, I was finally able to start and finish a project efficiently and beautifully! The team is made up of several different designers and you can view their portfolios and find the designer who will best fit your style. Their prices range from $85/hour for a junior designer to $250 for a lifestyle designer. Check out the team here!
For small projects like mine, the “Hour Style” is the perfect match. DesignDot also offers other design services including a half or full day “Style Diary” for clients who want a customized floor plan complete with furnishings and accessories for one room or area of their home, “Transition Style” for those who are looking to stage and sell their homes more effectively, and “Total Style” for large projects. You can find out more about these offerings here.
Check out another recent “Hour Style” here:
More about DesignDot
DesignDot was born from the idea that design should be fun, affordable and personal. A community of independent designers working collaboratively, DesignDot offers several tiers of services, specifically tailored to accomplish the varied goals of its customers. Unlike traditional design firms, DesignDot passes its trade discounts to clients who purchase goods through partner vendors. Appointments for any level of service can be set up through www.thedesigndot.com where customers have access to DesignDot partner designers and their portfolios. For more information, please contact DesignDot at 203.331.5787 or go to www.thedesigndot.com.