Darien Nonprofits Collaborate to Create “Mission: Positive!” - New Canaan & Darien Moms

A Community Resource for Inspirational Ideas and Activities

During this time when residents are practicing social distancing and looking for fun, safe activities to keep busy and engaged, members of Darien’s Human Services Planning Council (HSPC) and the Thriving Youth Task Force (TYTF) recently brainstormed the idea of creating a shared community resource to gather residents’ favorite ideas for fun, relaxation and family time. 

Introducing “Mission: Positive!” — a curated list of pandemic-safe and entertaining family activities, holiday celebration and craft inspiration, book and playlist recommendations and much more!  The Community Fund of Darien, which convenes HSPC and TYTF, will host the resource on its website (www.communityfunddarien.org under the “Community” tab.)  Residents are invited to submit via the website their ideas and recommendations, which will be reviewed by a panel of volunteers to ensure that they are COVID-19 safe, socially distant, appropriate for all ages and contribute to positive youth development. 

Categories include: Activities, Adventures, Family Fun, Game Night, Good Reads, Holiday Traditions, Must-See TV, New to Town, Party Ideas, Playlists and Positive Vibes.  

With the holidays around the corner and many plans being reimagined due to the pandemic, families have a unique opportunity to come together and make the best of an uncertain and ever-changing situation. Mission: Positive! hopes to help inspire our community to create new traditions and memories that will last a lifetime.  


About The Community Fund of Darien:


The Community Fund of Darien (TCF) inspires people and mobilizes resources to strengthen our community.  Its vision is for all community members to have the opportunity to reach their full potential as healthy, educated, and self-sufficient individuals.  TCF initiates solutions, builds collaborations, and implements and supports programs to strengthen youth, adults and families for lasting and positive impact in Darien, Norwalk and Stamford.  Since its founding in 1951, TCF has distributed over $20 million to local nonprofit organizations and community initiatives.  More information can be found at www.communityfunddarien.org


About the Thriving Youth Task Force:


The Thriving Youth Task Force, which is convened by The Community Fund of Darien, was created in 2008.  The TYTF brings together leadership from the town, the public schools, parent organizations and social service organizations that work with youth and parents to identify issues affecting the youth of Darien and to develop strategies and programs to promote and empower positive youth development.  Every three years, the TYTF surveys Darien 7-12th grade students about their developmental assets (the building blocks of healthy development) and their involvement with risky behavior, presenting results to parents and the town.  The TYTF members have provided insight and guidance for The Community Fund’s nationally recognized “06820” campaign to reduce binge drinking among adolescents in Darien. 


About the Human Services Planning Council:


Each month, the Human Services Planning Council (HSPC), an organization sponsored by The Community Fund of Darien, brings together local nonprofit, government and education leaders to discuss, and develop plans to address, social service needs in Darien. Some of the broader topics that have been discussed in recent meetings include co-occurring disorders (mental health and substance abuse), immigration and the results of the Developmental Asset Profile and Risky Behavior surveys.  Over the years, through leadership, collaboration and cooperation, the Council has established many services including Aging in Place in Darien, CARE Darien, Safe Rides and the Youth Commission.


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