Graceful Transitions Workshop for Moms @ YMCA Darien (Sells Out Quickly, Be Sure to Register!) - New Canaan & Darien Moms
January 20, 2018
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Are you entering a crossroads where your current role as a mom is changing? Perhaps your children are all in school now? Or they are heading off to college? And you’re wondering “what’s next for me?”
Come begin to figure out what’s next at the Graceful Transitions workshop at the Darien Y.  In this 5 hour workshop, experienced moms/business women/coaches Kim Bealle and Victoria Gonin will help you begin to navigate this important transition with grace, openness and a perspective of growth. Our belief is that growth begins on the inside, so our workshop will not deliver “tips and tricks”. Rather, it will focus on identifying your values, purpose, vision and creating a narrative for change. You will emerge inspired, nourished, connected and confident.
Fee: includes the workshop, lunch and a raffle entry for a chance to win a massage valued at $100.
Members, $115; Non Members, $125
Please RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited to 12 participants.
About Kim Bealle & Victoria Gonin
The workshop will be hosted by experienced moms/business women/coaches Kim Bealle and Victoria Gonin. Former co-workers at Young & Rubicam advertising agency, the two reconnected in 2017 at leadership program lead by the Coaches Training Institute. Both women had long careers in business (Kim at Y&R, Saatchi & Saatchi, Kraft Foods; Victoria at IBM and Resources Global Professionals); each had raised three children; both trained as coaches with CTI. Currently, Gonin is Deputy Director of Alumni Relations at Dartmouth College and Bealle, a longtime Darien resident, is a career coach.
YMCA Darien
2420 Post Road
Darien, CT 06820

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