Holiday Helpers @ the Darien Y (Drop-Off and Holiday Shop!) - New Canaan & Darien Moms

December 16, 2017 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Need some time to get your holiday shopping, wrapping or cleaning done without your children in tow? Then let the Y staff entertain them for a few hours.

Ages: 3-10 (fully potty trained)

Activities Include:
Games, Gym, Arts&Crafts, Snack, Lunch time (bring your own(, fun with friends!
Fees: Members $10/hour for 1 child or $14/hour for 2 or more
Non-Members $12/hour for 1 child or $16/hour for 2 or more

Darien YMCA: 2420 Post RdDarien 06820

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