Last Farmer's Market of the Season at Lachat Farm. Pony Rides, Ray & Jay & more! - New Canaan & Darien Moms

C0me enjoy local farmers, vendors, catering food trucks, children’s programming, and live music. The market will take place Friday, Sept. 29th from 4-8pm (children’s programming from 4-7pm). Meet friends and dine from the gourmet food trucks while you listen to live music!
Keep the Kids Happy!
They have pony rides for the early attendees from 4-6pm!  The cost is $5 per ride.  Chickens will be in the kids area from 4-5pm.  The featured program is Paper Craft Day in which kids can create their favorite farm animals.  Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.
Enjoy the Music!
The first performers are The Revolutionaries followed by the main act of Jay and Ray.  The final performer is Tim Dunn.  They have additional outdoor lights to accommodate for the early sunset but we will also have a fire pit for the late night performance.
Toast a Neighbor!
Lachat’s local mixologist is preparing a local drink unique to the market.  This month she will be featuring a ‘Farm Gin and Tonic’ with all natural Q tonic, citrus and fresh herbs grown from the community garden and from Viv’s Veggies.  In addition to this festive cocktail, there will be beer and wine.  Cheers!
Shop Local!
Thank you in advance for planning to support your neighboring farms and small business owners this week. The market is a chance to purchase locally grown food and crafts while you mingle with your neighbors.  What birthday gifts do you need to purchase for the upcoming month?  Could you plan to spend a portion of your weekly grocery bill at Friday’s market?  Every dollar we keep in the community is an investment in the town you love!

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