MEET A MOM—Jacqueline Telgheder - New Canaan & Darien Moms

Jacqueline Telgheder is a Certified Parent Coach who has four children ranging in age from 7 to 13. She and her husband moved to Darien 10 years ago, which is also her hometown. Jacqueline loves “transforming people’s lives” through her work at JBT Coaching, and she enjoys being a Parent Consultant at Everwell. Discover some of her tips on managing technology with your family, learn about her process and find out the best advice she’s ever gotten from her own mom.

How many kids do you have and what are their ages?
I have two girls and two boys. The girls are 13 and 11; the boys are 9 and 7. Life is busy!!!!

When did you move to Darien and what are your favorite family activities in town?
I grew up in Darien! We moved back 10 years ago to raise our family here. We love fishing in Selleck’s Woods and riding our bikes into town.

Photo by Classic Kids Photography

How did you get involved in Parent Coaching?
I took Lindsay Hurty’s “What’s Next?” workshop (now a course at Everwell) which helps women figure out the next steps in their professional life. During this process I discovered that parent coaching is a thing! I knew instantly it’s what I wanted to do—not only because I was determined to find a career in which I could help people, but also because it was a time when I was really struggling with my relationship with my son. The idea of parental support in this way really resonated with me. I immediately applied to the Parent Coaching Institute and finished with a graduate-level certification. It required a ton of hard work, and I loved every minute of it!

Favorite part about your job?
Hands down, the magic of my job is transforming people’s lives. We all go through challenges while raising kids. If you are having a tough time, you are not alone! Parenting can be more joyful and life can feel easier. I believe we can all be the parent we want to be and have the relationship we dream of with our children. Coaching brings about this type of change…like I said…magic!

Parent coaching is useful for any parent who needs support navigating their child’s developmental needs. I offer professional support and guidance as well as practical strategies and solutions for families with infants, toddlers, adolescents and teens. You learn best parenting practices based on the latest research to support your child’s social, emotional and cognitive well-being. Throughout the process we discover effective techniques that help you lower stress, raise feelings of empowerment, deepen your connection with your child and resolve difficult situations at home.

I can help with a multitude of topics, including…

  • Behavior Problems: defiance, sibling rivalry, aggression, negativity, tantrums and more.
  • Transition Issues: marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, school and familial changes.
  • Common Battles: homework, bedtime, sleep issues, routines, chores, etc.
  • Communication: power struggles, respect and trust.
  • Screen Time: devices, video games, and social media influences.
  • Coaching as part of a treatment plan: if support is being offered in a therapy setting as part of the child’s treatment plan (learning disability, eating disorder, adolescent substance abuse), parent coaching is an incredible support in giving goal-oriented, long-term solutions for parenting through this time.

Many parents have a difficult time managing technology with their families. Do you have any tips to share?

1) Know what you want: What do you love about technology? Set an intention to use it that way and stop using it aimlessly or as a pacifier for your kids.
2) Allow for boredom…it’s one of the best things we can do for our kids. Make the 3D world a priority.
3) Decide on the rules and consequences together. When the limits and expectations are clear, conflict is reduced. The tough job is following through…you can do it! The more consistent you are, the less nagging you will hear.
4) Reframe whining. Pushing back on the limits we set is normal, but it’s our job as parents to set boundaries. Let your kids be disappointed sometimes – it builds self-regulation and resilience.
5) Be a media mentor! Model a healthy relationship with technology.
Bonus: Feeling overwhelmed by this? Prioritize. The #1 thing you can do as a parent is spend time engaged with your kids…it’s that simple!

Best advice you’ve gotten from another mom?
Clean less and play more. –My mom

Favorite book, tv show, movie…
I’ve read some great books lately. A couple favorites are The Guncle (endearing and hysterical!) & We Are What We Eat (a declaration against fast food values).   On the parenting front, I loved Darby Fox’s recent book, Rethinking Your Teenager.

Do you have any go-to ways to relax and get a little me time?”
Yes! There are two things I try to do every day: First, I wake up before everyone in my house to read and have a cup of coffee. I cherish this time and feel ready for the day. Second, I love playing the piano, so I sit down whenever I have a spare moment to practice a new piece.

How can people reach you?
Instagram: @jbt.coaching
Email: [email protected]

We like to support local businesses. What are your favorite places in the area to do the following?
Have dinner:  Locali
Grab a drink: SE Uncorked
Have a date night: Bodega
Spend time together as a family: Hibachi Sushi Ya!
Grab coffee:  Browne & Co.


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