Meet Kate! - New Canaan & Darien Moms

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Long Island and we moved upstate to Rochester, NY when I was ten.

How long have you lived in New Canaan? How many kids and their age(s)? 

We moved here two years ago from NYC.  I have two boys – Andrew (4) and Ryan (almost 2).

Favorite things to do with your kids in general or in town?

Pretty sure we are NC Dunkin Donuts’ best customers. We also love Irwin Park and swimming at Waveny Pool.

Whats your favorite restaurant in town for a family dateA night out with friends? Why?

Family date night means the New Canaan diner + gelato next door for dessert. My husband and I like Uncorked for date nights.

What is your favorite kid-friendly recipe?

This one pan chicken and veggies was a recent hit and was very easy to make:

I am partial to any recipe that has “one pan” in the title.

What is your local go-to store for childrens clothes? Shoes? Furniture? Yourself?

I love She La La. I can tackle baby gifts and clothes, birthday presents and treats for myself all in one place.

What are your favorite events in New Canaan?

The holiday stroll! Last year the three wisemen that were in St. A’s Living Nativity spent a few minutes talking to my four year old and you would have thought he met a handful of celebrities.  They were so sweet and answered all of his questions. I hope their moms read this. They were great kids and made me love this town even more.

What has been the most difficult age with your children to date? What helped you overcome the challenges at that time?

Juggling a newborn and a toddler was tricky. My second was born the same week my oldest started preschool. At drop-off one morning, it was pouring rain, I was exhausted, both boys were crying and I was trying to get everyone out of the car. One of the other moms, who I barely knew at the time, ran over and carried my older son through the rain and into school for me.  The whole “it takes a village” thing become very real to me in that moment.

One thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I work for KAYAK and love everything about travel – minus long flights with a toddler.  We just came back from a fun few days on the Cape. The Cape Cod Children’s Museum was a great discovery, highly recommend it for rainy days.

Guilty pleasure?

I like happy TV shows that offer little to no stress in the storyline.  So, that pretty much leaves shows like Fuller House and Say Yes to the Dress.  Bad, I know.

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