Meet Mom and Photographer, Corinne Parker - New Canaan & Darien Moms

Local New Canaan Mom, Corinne Parker, is a talented photographer who is originally from Sydney, Australia.  We loved finding about her favorite spots in town and how she developed her interest in photography that led her to start Piccolo Pictures.  Read our complete interview.

What brought you to New Canaan and how long have you lived there?

My husband’s work brought us here! He was working in the city until Covid arrived.
How many kids do you have and what are their ages? I have 2 kids – aged 3 and 5.

You’re originally from Sydney, Australia. What do you love most about your hometown?

The harbour and beaches that completely surround Sydney as well as the climate.
Where did you live before coming to New Canaan? Beautiful Fiji. We lived Island life for 18 months before moving here.

What are your favorite activities in town?

Oh this is tough because I hadn’t established a lot of activities before Covid hit! I generally just love and appreciate walking around New Canaan town and its parks. It is such a photogenic place.

How long have you been a photographer and what led you to that career path?

I started my business in Sydney in 2013. It started as a hobby a couple of years earlier and just grew from there. I am also a Registered Nurse in Australia – I worked in Paediatric Oncology and ICU, then General Practice. I have always loved working with families in some capacity.

Describe your artistic approach…

I like to work with the situation, lighting, people I am photographing individually. Whilst I feel I have developed a style now, no two sessions are the same and I try to adapt to each family to get the best images specifically for them.

What inspires your work?

Mostly the connection between people.

How do you unwind when you need some “me time?”

Yoga, walks and talking to my friends back home on zoom with a glass of wine.

What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom?

Trust yourself. Your gut feeling is always right.


Have dinner: Farmers Table Or Elm
Get a drink with friends: Roger Sherman
Spend time outdoors: You can’t really beat Waveny for the walks and open space!
Grab coffee: Rosie! Although I LOVE their food and treats too!
Workout: I work out at home since Covid. I also got a bike in Spring which I love riding around here! It is such a pretty town and riding around gives you a different perspective than driving.

You can reach Corinne at or via instagram: @piccolopictures

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