New Canaan Public Schools students will present their Celebration of the Arts Gala Concert on Friday, June 9th at 7:00 pm in the New Canaan High School Auditorium. The NCPS Visual and Performing Arts Department will use proceeds from the concert to upgrade the existing sound and lighting system in the NCHS auditorium and enhance systems within the renovated Saxe auditorium. Tickets are $25 and $20 and can be purchased online at: In addition, online donations can be made at:
The Gala Concert will offer a variety of student and faculty performances. NCPS visual art students and teachers will be represented with virtual art shows projected during the concert that feature artwork from our five New Canaan Public Schools. Additionally, the 30th Annual NCHS Senior Art Show will be on display in the NCHS Lobby Gallery.
Among the many special musical performances planned for the evening’s gala will be the East School Singers, Saxe Sixth Grade Singers and the Saxe Seventh-Eighth Grade Choral Ensemble. Our NCPS theatre departments will be represented by the Elf Jr., Cinderella as well as the And the World Goes ‘Round cast members. Instrumental music performances will include the Saxe Seventh-Eighth Grade Cello Choir, Seventh Grade Flute Ensemble, Seventh-Eighth Grade Clarinet Ensemble, Eighth Grade Saxophone Ensemble and the Eighth Grade Percussion Ensemble. Additional performances will be by NCPS Teachers:Mr. Leo Ficks, Mr. Ben Kibbey and NCHS student Erik Cohen, Mr. Michael Messina and Ms. Monica Fitzgerald; Ms. Janet Rosen, Mr. Ben Kibbey and student Emile Paladilhe; as well as Mr. Matthew DeMella and Mr. Ben Kibbey.
Alan Sneath, Director of Visual and Performing Arts, described this year’s gala, “Our Visual and Performing Arts teachers and their students are contributing to the Gala by sharing their artwork and musical talents. It is very exciting and validating to have many of our music teachers perform on the concert along with our students. It’s going to be a wonderful evening to celebrate the end of a great school year and a wonderful Visual and Performing Arts Department.”