New Canaan Country School to Host “Deal Days” Community Tag Sale - New Canaan & Darien Moms

April 22, 2017 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
New Canaan Country School will host its 10th annual Deal Days tag sale on Saturday, April 22. This community-wide event is open to the public and offers thousands of items at great value prices including: antiques, art, furniture, clothing, baby gear, collectibles, household accessories, sporting goods, toys, outdoor and garden gear, vehicles, musical instruments and more. Early-bird shoppers can access the tag sale between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. for a fee of $10. Admission is free for all from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The sale will be held in the Watson Gym on the Country School campus which is located at 635 Frogtown Road, New Canaan, CT and free parking will be available. Shoppers may provide cash or credit card payment in the form of MasterCard, Visa and American Express (no personal checks). Country School gladly accepts tag sale donations from the public, and all donations are tax-deductible. For more information about making donations and to schedule a free pick-up of your items, please visit link. This epic tag sale is a wonderful opportunity to de-clutter and do good for a worthy cause; proceeds from the event support the school’s financial aid program. The Deal Days 2017 committee heads, led by event co-chairs Sarah Irwin (New Canaan) and Jennifer Kearney (New Canaan), include school-parent volunteers representing five towns: Katie Adams (Darien); Sarah Cotter (Darien); Amy Fisher (New Canaan); Ashley Ghriskey (Darien); Jenny Harrington (Norwalk); Nicole Intile (Rowayton); Jennifer Kline (Darien); Jennifer Kurtz (Darien); Tatiana Mendoza (Norwalk); Bonnie Rumilly (Wilton); Katherine Tarrant (Darien); Ariane Triay (Darien) and Sanny Warner (New Canaan).
New Canaan Country School is a co-ed, independent, day school for students in Pre-K (ages 3 & 4) through Grade 9. Located on a 75-acre campus in New Canaan, the school offers transportation to students from Fairfield and Westchester counties. For more information, please visit

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