Spring Clothing Switcheroo for your Kiddos! | New Canaan & Darien Moms

Spring Clothing Photo
Move your kids’ boots to the back of the closet and pull out their bathing suits! It’s time to begin thinking about switching their clothing, as warmer weather approaches.
Here’s how:

  1. Look at your child’s spring clothes and don’t forget the boxes of hand-me-downs in the attic and basement! Promise ice cream to your child if he/she cooperates, and have him/her try on ONE of each of the following items, until just one fits:


  • Short sleeved and long sleeved tops
  • Shorts and pants
  • Spring jacket
  • Socks and shoes
  • Dresses for the girls
  • Bathing suits


  1. The items that FIT are your TEMPLATES! Now, send your child off to play so that you can concentrate. Start matching all the remaining clothes (not yet tried on) to your templates. You’ll know right away what will work this season.


  1. Make separate piles of outgrown discards, marking them with Post-its.


  • “Keeps” for your next youngest child
  • Pass-alongs (to which friend?)
  • Donation
  • Consignment


  1. Grab a notebook and make a list of what you need to obtain for child #1…include sizing and color notes. Keep this notebook in your car and don’t forget to hit consignment shops in your travels…nearly new clothing at a fraction of the price!


  1. Winter clothes: Easier to deal with, as YOU KNOW how they fit (or don’t). Now, the tricky part: you need to look ahead, with an eye for next fall. But how do you know what size they’ll be next year…impossible! The rule of thumb is: discard anything that was starting to be “skimpy” this season. Save only what has a bit more growing room (and with luck, it will fit next fall!) Add outgrowns to the piles above.


  1. Stop here! Unless your child has a large closet and bureau, both winter and spring clothes won’t all fit. Don’t despair. Bin-up the spring clothes, neatly folded, and know that they are ready to go and that you have your shopping list in hand. You’re ahead of the game! Then, when temperatures rise a bit, be bold and make the switch.


  1. Repeat above steps with child #2.


  1. On second thought, tackle child #2’s clothes another day! Go out for ice cream instead!

About Sarah’s Solutions:
Sarah Strader founded Sarah’s Solutions, LLC in Spring 2016, with “organization” as her overriding passion during her 25+ professional years.
As a former TV commercial producer, creator of a successful stationery design and distribution company and commodore of a yacht club, Sarah has worked collaboratively and independently on countless projects, bringing order to any job at hand.
With strong writing and communication skills, she and her associates are client-focused, task-centered, numbers savvy, value oriented, creative, research-ready and discreet.


Sarah of Sarah’s Solutions

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What People Say:
“After a move with three small children, I was completely overwhelmed by all of our stuff and where to put it.  In a very short time, Sarah started by organizing my kitchen workspace, making room for my kids’ school information and papers too. Then she gave me easy solutions for tackling projects on my own.  I am so grateful for her expertise and I am looking forward to working with her again on the other rooms in our new home.”
New Canaan, CT

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