YWCA Stand Against Domestic Violence Luminary Night - New Canaan & Darien Moms

Every third week in October is YWCA USA’s National WEEK WITHOUT VIOLENCE. The Week Without Violence is part of a global movement to end violence against women and girls. Each local chapter of the YWCA hosts its own programming and events in support of the movement. The YWCA Darien/Norwalk is working to raise awareness about domestic violence.

On Sunday October 18th we will begin the week with the lighting of Stand Against Domestic Violence luminaries at 6:00PM. The lighted luminaries, placed along front yards, sidewalks or driveways, create a ribbon of light to visually recognize and support the silent victims, survivors and lost lives in our community, and raise public awareness around domestic violence.

October 18th “light the night” in Darien and surrounding areas so victims and survivors can see they are not alone and have a community, friends and neighbors standing with them. Throughout the week the YWCA will share important resources and information via social media channels to better educate the community about domestic violence. On October 21st we will host a webinar addressing the prevalence of domestic violence in our area, the uptick in violence since quarantine/COVID-19, and other important information.

The Stand Against Domestic Violence luminary kits will be available for sale beginning Wednesday September 23rd on the YWCA Darien/Norwalk website, ywcadn.org/luminarykits. The sale of luminaries will raise funds to support the YWCAs advocacy and mission driven programming. Each luminary kit contains 10 luminaries, information and resources about domestic violence support and prevention, as well as assembly instructions.  The cost of the luminaries is $30 per kit. You can order your kit online at ywcadn.org/luminarykits.

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